Solar Panel Services In Texas | Malek Service Company

Resiential & Commercial

Solar Panel Installation, Repair & Maintenance


Increase your Energy Independence with Solar Panels

Malek Service Company designs and installs electricity-generating solar panel systems for homes as well as commercial and industrial businesses. Solar panels convert the sun’s light energy into electricity.

Most commonly, a homeowner or business will install a solar system to generate some or all of their own electricity, while maintaining the connection to their utility – the grid. A grid-tied system balances the load demand of the property with the array’s generation capacity, drawing from the grid as needed, or putting excess solar-generated power back on… essentially ‘spinning’ the meter backward in the process.


Find out how you can OWN YOUR POWER! Visit Malek Solar or give us a call today at 979-431-4156. You can also schedule an appointment to discuss your solar panel needs in person.



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Benefits of Solar Panel Installation

Interested in learning more about Solar Panel installation? Visit Malek Solar to learn more!

Increase YOUR Energy Independence

Whether for a business or a residence, solar panels can put YOU in control of how much of your own electricity to produce, and lock-in that rate for decades. Depending on factors such as available surface area, shading, and of course budget, you can install enough solar panels to produce all or a portion of your energy.

Lower Electric Bills with Clean Power

A solar array starts saving you money the moment it’s commissioned, reducing home energy bills and operating expenses for a business.

Power that’s Abundant, Clean and Everlasting

While 80% of electricity in Texas is generated by burning fossil fuels, you can Own Your Energy using the free fuel provided by the sun – no emissions, just natural clean energy from solar panels.

Protection Against Higher Bills in the Years Ahead

Lower bills today, and protection from higher electricity rates in the future. Perhaps the #1 reason our clients choose solar energy – to eliminate the impact of rising and volatile energy prices to future budgets – essentially a financial planning tool.

Backup Power in an Outage

Adding a solar-charged battery backup to your grid-tied solar system WILL keep the lights on, and other loads identified as critical, during a power outage. Battery backup enables peace of mind, but it also means additional components and costs. To discuss the pros and cons of battery backup vs. a generator please contact us.

Increase the Resale Value of your Home

A solar energy system adds to the value of your property – and in Texas the added value is exempt from taxes. Appraisal journals estimate that every dollar of utility bill savings translates to a $10-$20 increase in property value.

Protect the Environment

Obviously the clean, renewable power generated from the sun helps the environment. It displaces energy generated from carbon-emitting sources, uses no water and is produced on site.

Long-lasting Warranty

Solar panel modules are built to last, almost every manufacturer backs their product with a 25-year power production warranty.

Request Pricing

Interested in learning more about solar panel installation for your home or office? Contact Malek Solar today.

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