HVAC Odor Elimination Service

HVAC Odor Elimination

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    HVAC Odor Elimination

    Eradicate lingering smells in your home!

    By Hannah Brennan


    Is there an odor in your home that you can’t seem to get rid of? It could be coming from your HVAC system!


    There are spaces in your HVAC system and ductwork that are exposed to bacterial and fungal contaminants. We offer an HVAC odor elimination solution that helps sterilize and eradicate odors.


    These difficult to reach areas can hide bacteria, fungi, and pathogens that can not only affect your air quality, but the smell in your home. Since most traditional odor removal systems only reach some surfaces, those systems only mask the smell temporarily.


    However, here at Malek Service, we can install a whole home air purifier for your HVAC system to rid your home of unwanted odors and airborne contaminants.


    Call us at (979) 446-0296 or schedule a free estimate for your own home air purifier.


    Learn more about your home’s air purification system in our blog, “Do I Really Need Air Filters?


    October 8, 2022

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